One day an older fella was in for a checkup. After his examination, his doctor was amazed.

Holy cow! Mr. Edwards, I must say that you are in the greatest shape of any 64 year old I have ever examined!

Did I say I was 64?

Well, no, did I read your chart wrong?

Of course you did! I’m 85!

85!! Unbelievable! You would be in great shape if you were 25! How old was your father when he died?

Did I say he was dead?

You mean…

Damn straight! He’s 106 and going strong!

My Lord! What a healthy family you must come from! How long did your grandfather live?

Did I say he was dead?

No! You can’t mean…

Damn straight! He’s 126, and getting married next week!

126! Truly amazing, Mr. Edwards. But gee, I wouldn’t think a man would want to get married at that age!

Did I say he wanted to get married?…

Vocabulary Help

  • dead – morto
  • die – morrer
  • father – pai
  • getting married – casando-se
  • going strong – ainda forte
  • grandfather – avô
  • healthy – saudável
  • holy cow – vaca sagrada, interjeição de espanto
  • next – próxima
  • shape – forma
  • truly amazing – realmente espantoso
  • unbelievable – inacreditável
  • week – semana