Crédito da Imagem: Rohan G on Unsplash
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English Transcript | Tradução |
Your reaction matters more than what happens to you | Sua reação é mais importante do que o que acontece com você |
Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn't know how she was going to make it. | Certa vez, uma filha reclamou com o pai que sua vida era miserável e que ela não sabia como iria sobreviver. |
She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. | Ela estava cansada de lutar e lutar o tempo todo. |
It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed. | Parecia que, assim que um problema era resolvido, outro logo se apresentava. |
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. | Seu pai, um chef, a levou para a cozinha. |
He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. | Ele encheu três panelas com água e colocou cada uma delas no fogo alto. |
Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot. | Assim que as três panelas começaram a ferver, ele colocou as batatas em uma panela, os ovos na segunda e grãos de café na terceira. |
He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. | Ele então os deixou assentar e ferver, sem dizer uma palavra à sua filha. |
The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. | A filha gemia e esperava impacientemente, perguntando-se o que ele estava fazendo. |
After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. | Depois de vinte minutos, ele desligou os queimadores. |
He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. | Ele tirou as batatas da panela e as colocou em uma tigela. |
He pulled the boiled eggs out and placed them in a bowl. | Ele puxou os ovos cozidos e os colocou em uma tigela. |
He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. | Ele então tirou o café com uma concha e o colocou em uma xícara. |
Turning to her he asked. "Daughter, what do you see?" | Virando-se para ela, perguntou. "Filha, o que você vê?" |
"Potatoes, eggs, and coffee," she hastily replied. | "Batatas, ovos e café", ela respondeu apressadamente. |
"Look closer," he said, "and touch the potatoes." | "Olhe mais de perto", disse ele, "e toque nas batatas." |
She did and noted that they were soft. | Ela obedeceu e observou que elas eram suaves. |
He then asked her to take an egg and break it. | Ele então pediu a ela para pegar um ovo e quebrá-lo. |
After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. | Depois de retirar a casca, ela observou o ovo cozido. |
Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. | Finalmente, ele pediu a ela que tomasse um gole de café. |
Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face. | Seu rico aroma trouxe um sorriso a seu rosto. |
"Father, what does this mean?" she asked. | "Pai, o que isso significa?" ela perguntou. |
He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity: the boiling water. | Ele então explicou que as batatas, os ovos e os grãos de café enfrentaram a mesma adversidade: a água fervente. |
However, each one reacted differently. | No entanto, cada um reagiu de forma diferente. |
The potato went in strong, hard, and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. | A batata entrou forte, dura e implacável, mas na água fervente, tornou-se macia e fraca. |
The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. | O ovo era frágil, com a fina casca externa protegendo seu interior líquido até que fosse colocado na água fervente. |
Then the inside of the egg became hard. | Então o interior do ovo endureceu. |
However, the ground coffee beans were unique. | No entanto, os grãos de café moídos eram únicos. |
After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new. | Depois de serem expostos à água fervente, eles mudaram a água e criaram algo novo. |
"Which are you?", he asked his daughter. | "Quem é você?", ele perguntou à filha. |
"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?" | "Quando a adversidade bate à sua porta, como você reage? Você é uma batata, um ovo ou um grão de café?" |
Contagem de palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Veja também: Para que serve esta tabela?
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
28 | the | 17 | and | 14 | he |
11 | to | 11 | a | 9 | in |
8 | her | 7 | was | 7 | she |
7 | coffee | 6 | water | 6 | it |
5 | you | 5 | then | 5 | potatoes |
5 | placed | 5 | egg | 5 | daughter |
5 | asked | 4 | what | 4 | that |
4 | pot | 4 | one | 4 | eggs |
4 | boiling | 3 | were | 3 | they |
3 | them | 3 | out | 3 | of |
3 | hard | 3 | father | 3 | each |
3 | beans | 3 | after | 2 | your |
2 | with | 2 | took | 2 | time |
2 | three | 2 | soft | 2 | shell |
2 | pots | 2 | potato | 2 | once |
2 | on | 2 | off | 2 | its |
2 | however | 2 | how | 2 | his |
2 | ground | 2 | do | 2 | bowl |
2 | boiled | 2 | boil | 2 | became |
2 | are | 2 | an | 2 | adversity |
1 | word | 1 | wondering | 1 | without |
1 | which | 1 | when | 1 | went |
1 | weak | 1 | waited | 1 | upon |
1 | until | 1 | unrelenting | 1 | unique |
1 | twenty | 1 | turning | 1 | turned |
1 | touch | 1 | tired | 1 | this |
1 | third | 1 | thin | 1 | than |
1 | take | 1 | struggling | 1 | strong |
1 | soon | 1 | something | 1 | solved |
1 | smile | 1 | sit | 1 | sip |
1 | seemed | 1 | see | 1 | second |
1 | saying | 1 | same | 1 | said |
1 | rich | 1 | respond | 1 | replied |
1 | reaction | 1 | reacted | 1 | put |
1 | pulling | 1 | pulled | 1 | protecting |
1 | problem | 1 | outer | 1 | or |
1 | observed | 1 | noted | 1 | new |
1 | more | 1 | moaned | 1 | miserable |
1 | minutes | 1 | mean | 1 | matters |
1 | make | 1 | look | 1 | liquid |
1 | life | 1 | let | 1 | ladled |
1 | know | 1 | knocks | 1 | kitchen |
1 | just | 1 | interior | 1 | inside |
1 | impatiently | 1 | high | 1 | hastily |
1 | happens | 1 | had | 1 | going |
1 | fragile | 1 | followed | 1 | fire |
1 | finally | 1 | filled | 1 | fighting |
1 | faced | 1 | face | 1 | exposed |
1 | explained | 1 | door | 1 | doing |
1 | does | 1 | differently | 1 | didn't |
1 | did | 1 | cup | 1 | created |
1 | complained | 1 | closer | 1 | chef |
1 | changed | 1 | but | 1 | burners |
1 | brought | 1 | break | 1 | began |
1 | bean | 1 | as | 1 | aroma |
1 | another | 1 | all |